Want this, badly:(
two more days till the end of form2 year-2010
Gosh , i still couldn't really grasp that properly:S
I ,like any other student, thought we have more time.
Sadly we don't.
Tomorrow have duty :D with Sue Hwa, and two other guys for the futsal competition.
i think im gonna bring camera tomorrow.sadly none of the ppl in our class ever bring it .Mainly we all are too goody-two-shoes(who am i kidding?)
Im the worst ketua ever :P breaking rules are much,much exciting.
oh yea , before i forgot, today is CHONG JIA YING"S BIRTHDAY!
thx for being my best fren:)
Fashion is the new craze.
i have to admit, those two legends (the pictures above) are
intimidating to people , but people still look up to them.
Because they are really good in what they are doing-fashion.
and many more of course, but i dont really have the energy to type that much.
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