we were suppose to meet at the new cinema at 11, but surprisingly..everyone was late.=) so it suit me cuz i was going late anyway.
went to arcade there to play first.saw john or jean watever his name was with justin at arcade.m
e n jun wanted to play the drum but few ppl there keep playing for so long till we both tak tahan dy.so we change course to play the others.then after playing me suddenly hu
ngry so we go to TGI Fridays.
after the free appertizer, we were FULL.but we still keep eating anywayXP and talking too.ltr, we're off to go shopping and hang aro
und those shops.
oh and b4 shopping me n jean tag along jun yee and pris to mph to buy some books.just like jean says, we cant possib
ly decide wat books to buy.it drives us crazy.well actually, jean's moreXD
then we hurried to the cinema. since the movie is at 2.20 something.b4 entering we saw sabrina and her usual gang there! wat
a surprise.=) more suprise arrive when we saw yuarn thern n his family there.he was suppose to sit few seats beside us but he saw u
s then go sit behind the row pulak.crap.
Hotel of Dogs was a nice movie.and tat day at mall were so many teenagers that you wouldn
t believe it. well , me sort of.then we go shopping for clothes.try on some stuffs and took lots of pics..yay^^
after that , we were hungry(again haha!) we go to cinnabon there.dam
n john la.keep laughin at me when i spoke wrong name of cinnabon name.urghhh.damn it.and he n justin keep saying things to me like," wei, i pokai dy. give me back my money" waliao la u two.i just go "steal" some tokens of arcade only ma..n its not even ten tokens k? n then go say i owe them money le
don care.lets just say it was a great day for four of us=)
its fun and great.cant wait for next outing guys.

Pic of the day.luv it=)
xoxo(but didnt include jun..so sad=(
P.S sry yy for didnt invite u.u guys were having exam we dont want to distract you.